Loewe is one of the largest luxury brands in the world and they’ve been producing some of the finest quality bags for over 150 years.
Their status and name as a brand have made them fall prey to the Chinese replica market and there are loads of high quality Loewe handbag replicas and clones available at bargain prices if you know where to look.
Though not the same quality or level of craftsmanship, these Chinese replica handbags are actually pretty decent and have gained popularity in the Asian market over the recent years .
Right now, the best website to get nice quality Loewe handbag clones is DHgate. Here you will find a variety of Loewe clones for under $100 (some up to $150) and not only are these handbags cheap, but they even carry the necessary branding and have been made from good quality materials.
To make life easier for you I've put together a list of the best Chinese sellers who deal in replica Loewe handbags as well as some of the popular styles available in the market today.
Read on to choose your favorite Loewe handbag clone now!
Where to Buy Loewe Handbag Clones - Top Rated Sellers
Well, there are several places you can get your hands on a Loewe clone, but that would mean you’d have to visit China, specifically GuangZhou in the Guangdong province. But if you’re looking for high quality Loewe clones online then there are hardly a few sites to buy from.
AliExpress and Alibaba used to house hundreds of copies earlier, but post 2021 they’ve been trying to crack down on the replica market by restricting the sale of designer clones and copies.
But sellers on DHgate tend to hide the name and the branding of the product in their images and this has proven successful over the years and it’s one of the reasons why a majority of the top clone sellers are currently making a killing on DHgate selling their products.
Here are a few reliable sellers on DHgate that deal in high quality replica handbags and I know for fact that they have a bunch of Loewe clones as well.
Luxurybag_Supplier is a premium seller who deals in high quality fashion and designer inspired bags. They have a lot of clones to choose from and they’ve been operating on DHgate for the past 12 years with an average store rating of 98.3%, so reliability is one thing you should never worry about when it comes to them.

In search of really high quality Loewe handbags that don’t cost over $150, then definitely check out this seller and what they have to offer.
Right now you can get a good copy of the Loewe Puzzle Hobo bag in genuine leather for around $145 and if you own a handbag business then buying in bulk can save you around $30 a handbag on orders of 5 units or more.
Designers Bags Store
Designers bags store is a relatively new seller on DHgate that’s gracing the market with their fantastic designer replicas. Here you will be able to get your hands on some of the finest brands in the world including LV and Loewe.
However, they don’t have many Loewe handbag clones in their inventory and you’d be able to find maybe a good copy of the Lazo bucket handbag and the Fold shopper. Their Loewe replica bags are made from genuine oxford leather and carry the branding so they can be passed off as 1:1 copies.

Prices of these handbags vary depending on the material used and their popularity. So a really good Loewe dupe here won’t set you back over $150 and that’s for the best copy available.
Dhone88 Bags
If you’re in search of Loewe totes such as the Nylon Linen tote and the Crochet tote then Dhone88 has you covered for under $100. They’re not only cost effective and affordable but there’s free shipping with no minimum order which is a real relief.
Dhone88 store is relatively new in the market and it’s only their second year on DHgate but they’ve managed to maintain a positive store rating of 98.4% and have fulfilled over 3.5k transactions till date.

Not only will you be able to find Loewe totes here but even big brands like LV, Fendi, Goyard and even Burberry for under $100. Products here are made from either genuine leather, pu leather or nylon linen, so i’d recommend reading the description of the product first before so you know what you’re getting.
Designer_Louis Handbags
Much like Dhone88, Designer_Louis is a store on DHgate that specializes in replicas and clone handbags. They’ve also been around for hardly a year, but have managed to maintain a positive store rating of 96.6% from over 3.5k transactions till date.
Now, designer_louis does not have an extensive collection of handbags like some of the other sellers on this list, but they do have some Loewe copies like the Nylon linen tote and a version of the Anagram tote, but in Nylon instead of calfskin.

Bags here are quite affordable and you won’t have to pay more than $75 for a good Loewe copy. They do however tend to restock pretty quickly so I expect there to be more Loewe clones up in their store soon.
Wudiqianbao99 is another new seller on Dhgate that you should consider buying from if you’re looking for high quality designer handbag clones. They’ve only been in operation since 2021 but have managed to maintain a whopping 98.8% for the quality of their products.
Their handbags are made from premium leather and they look identical to the original. Each bag comes with a branded replica dust bag and box, all for under $100.

They have variants of the puzzle bag, hobos and Loewe totes in a range of colors and their most popular Loewe handbag clone happens to be an exact copy of the bucket bag for hardly $50.
Popular Loewe Handbag Clones on DHgate
Loewe Fold Shopper Clone

I found the Loewe fold shopper clone to be quite a decent copy that’s made from nylon and has genuine leather handles and accents along the edges of the bag.
For around $75, this copy is one of the best there is and it’s large enough to carry your daily essentials in and chic enough to take with you on your next trip.
The stitch work and finish on this bag is fantastic and it’s available in two colors, black and tan. The best part is that this handbag clone comes with the Loewe branding on the front as well as tags on the inside.
Puzzle Leather Handbag

The puzzle leather handbag is one of Loewe’s most iconic pieces and there are plenty of similar designs to choose from which cost around $75.
Unlike the original, clone manufacturers tend to use PU leather to cut costs and it’s evident from the smell and feel of the bag. But nonetheless, it’s a great looking copy and is shaped just like the original.
This bag is available in four colors and there are options to buy it with a box or with only a dust bag. The overall finish of the bag is on point and the stitch work is not bad so I felt it to be a good looking replica.
Mini Gate Dual Bag Rep
I came across the mini gate dual crossbody handbag and it was one of the cheapest Loewe clones out there. Priced at roughly $65, this handbag comes in a variety of colors and it’s made from genuine calfskin leather.
The copy is really well made and it has the patchwork leather design over a nylon base. The bag comes with the folded leather knot on the front and the interior is lined with high quality suede that gives the bag its premium feel.

You can get it from DHgate and there are many sellers who have this handbag in stock. I’d recommend checking Designer Bags store and Designer_Louis for a good quality copy of this boho chic handbag.
Puzzle Hobo Handbag

The puzzle hobo is a smaller variant of the puzzle leather handbag and it’s the ideal handbag for ladies who are looking for something stylish and versatile.
These bags are available in a range of colors and nearly all of them are made from PU leather. None of the puzzle hobo handbag clones cost over $40 and i’d say that’s a pretty decent price for it since the clones look quite like the original.
You can easily pair this handbag with an evening gown or a pretty dress and though it looks small, it’s spacious enough to hold a bunch of keys, a phone, cash and your cards so nothing gets left behind.
Puffer Goya Handbag

Puffer Goya handbags are fun to own because they feel like a squishy toy. Made from a blend of genuine leather and polyester, the small puffer goya bag is a great find and it costs only $100.
This replica is available in 4 colors, black, brown, yellow and white, and features a front flap with a magnetic closure and a single zipper for the main pocket. The interior is pretty large and there’s even a second pocket specifically for mobiles.
The puffer goya was released in fall ‘22 and has gained popularity for its soft and fluffy appearance. It’s perfect for all types of occasions and the stainless steel strap is detachable so the handbag can be converted into an easy to carry clutch.
Compact Hammock Handbag Dupe

Apart from these fantastic handbags I also came across copies of the Loewe hammock bucket handbag retailing at a mouth watering $60. They are made from genuine cowhide leather and feature the flat front and back with the curved, pulled out sides.
The replica hammock comes with the Loewe branding on the top right corner near the strap and there are two sizes available; medium that’s big enough for few personal belongings and large that can hold things like a phone, wallet, cash, cards and even keys.
Luckily this handbag is available in around 11 colors and because they are cheap you can pick one color for everyday of the week to up your wardrobe game.
Loewe Woman Paseo Hobo Dupe

Brace yourselves for this fantastic find – a dupe that's hands down one of the best in the market right now. A high quality Loewe Paseo dupe that is affordably priced at $110.
It is a shoulder bag that's not just a pretty face but also a versatile companion for any occasion. And guess what? It's a dead ringer for some high-end designer magic but without burning a hole in your pocket.
This beauty is crafted from genuine leather, the softness is like a dream, making it perfect for all those shoulder bag enthusiasts out there.
The zipper closure adds that extra touch of security, and the three handles/straps give you options galore. No need to worry about lugging around unnecessary stuff – this medium-sized wonder (30-50cm) has got you covered. It's spacious enough for all your essentials without being a burden.
In true fashion-forward style, the interior is sleek and streamlined, without unnecessary fuss. And the best part? It's so affordable that you can grab one for each holiday, ensuring your wardrobe is always on point.
Loewe Flamenco Leather Cross Body Dupe

Another Loewe dupe that I stumbled upon while scrolling through DHgate is this fine replica of the Flamenco cross body handbag.
This shoulder bag is not just an accessory; it's a statement. Crafted from genuine leather, it's a touch of luxury that won't break the bank. And for that added dose of glamour, the sequined embellishments take it up a notch.
The softness of the bag is like a dream, complementing its hobo shape perfectly. The hasp closure adds a touch of elegance, ensuring your belongings stay secure in style.
The single handle/strap keeps it chic and streamlined, allowing you to swing it over your shoulder effortlessly and the polyester lining inside is the practical cherry on top, offering a neat interior compartment to keep your essentials organized.
In the world of fashion, this Flamenco dupe is a category of its own – a crossbody gem that deserves a front-row seat in your collection. And the best part, you can cop this beauty from DHgate for under $100.
How to tell if my Loewe handbag is fake?
When it comes to determining whether a Loewe handbag is authentic or a fake, there are several key factors to consider. These include the quality of the materials used, the craftsmanship of the bag, and the branding and labeling.
First and foremost, it is important to examine the materials used to construct the handbag. Authentic Loewe bags are made of high-quality leather, and the texture and feel of the leather should be consistent throughout the bag.
Fake Loewe bags may use lower quality materials, such as synthetic leather or poorly made leather, which can be easily identified by its texture and appearance. Additionally, the hardware of an authentic Loewe bag should be made of solid metal and have a weighty feel to it.
You should also consider the craftsmanship of the bag. Authentic Loewe bags are made with precision and care, and the stitching should be even and consistent. The edges of the leather should be clean and smooth, and the bag should have a sense of structure and durability.
Fake Loewe, on the other hand, may have uneven stitching, rough edges, or a flimsy construction.
In terms of branding and labeling, authentic Loewe bags will have a clear and crisp logo, and the branding should be consistent throughout the bag. The label or tag should be made of high-quality materials and have a professional appearance.
Fake bags may have a poorly printed or smudged logo, and the branding may be inconsistent or missing altogether.
You will also be able to tell if a Loewe bag is fake by its packaging. Authentic Loewe bags come in a high-quality dust bag with the logo printed on it, and the bag will also come with a care booklet. Additionally, the authenticity card that comes with the bag should have the serial number and the brand's logo printed on it.
And last but not least, it's important to note that authentic Loewe bags are typically more expensive than fake bags, so if you happen find a Loewe bag at an incredibly low price, it's likely to be fake.
Is it safe to buy Loewe Handbag reps?
Yes, it is safe to buy Loewe replica handbags from China but there are certain things you should remember while buying from a Chinese seller. Firstly, not everything is as it’s shown online and many sellers tend to use stock photographs which can be misleading.
Also, some sellers will use low quality materials in their products while others may not even ship out your order. So though the products are safe to buy, you should be cautious about who you buy from and see if they are reliable/trustworthy by checking the store ratings and buyer reviews.
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