Looking for a designer bag without the designer price tag? You're not alone. Saint Laurent handbags are some of the most popular luxury items on the market, but their price tags can be out of reach for many shoppers.
That's where replicas come in. This article will guide you through the world of Saint Laurent handbag replicas on DHgate, one of the most popular online marketplaces for these products.
It's important to remember that replicas will never be identical to the real thing. However, with a little research, you can find high-quality replicas that look and feel great.
This article will discuss different sellers on DHgate and the quality of their products. It will also provide tips on how to spot a good replica and avoid getting scammed.
Bag | Rough Price Range |
YSL Sunset Shoulder Bag Dupe | $21.68-$25.99 |
Replica YSL Hobo Bucket Bag | $18.35-$21.99 |
Solferino Women’s Handbag | $30-$45 |
LouLou Designer Shoulder Bag | under $50 |
LouLou Matelasse Chain Camera Bag | $20-$40 |
YSL Kate Luxury Handbag Dupe | $60-$75 |
Raffia Panier Women’s Tote | $40-$70 |
Sac De Jours Crocodile Leather Designer Handbag | Over $100 |
Quilted Emmanuelle Bucket Bag Clone | Approx $180 |
Where to Find Saint Laurent Dupes?
Where Can I Find High Quality Yves Saint Laurent Dupes?
The answer is DHgate, but you have to approach with caution as these Chinese made reps are not always good quality and some vendors tend to use stock images to showcase their bags.
Sites like AliExpress used to have a number of sellers listed that deal in YSL reps but sadly they have been taken down from the site and right now the only place you can find YSL reps is DHagte.
However, I have to advise you that when you search on DHgate for Yves Saint Laurent bags, you will not be able to locate products if you use the actual brand names.
Now what DHgate sellers have done is used model names instead to advertise their products and you’d have to use keywords like LouLou Matelasse handbag, Cassandre envelope, Sac De Jour handbag and Solferino to name a few, in order to find a particular style or design.
None of these bags will cost over $100 and only one or two may go up to $150, but that’s only if the bag is made from the best quality materials around and if it’s an exact copy of the original.
I’ve managed to pick out 8 Saint Laurent handbag replicas that are available on DHgate. These bags are premium copies and I recommend checking them out if you’re looking for one.
Moreover these sellers have a good rating and are pretty responsive so feel free to drop them a text in case you have any questions.
Top DHgate YSL Replica Handbag Sellers
DHgate Seller | What's Sold |
Designergoodsstore | YSL luxury designer bag replicas |
Fashion ACC Store | Handbags, Laurent backpacks, designer luxury goods |
Lubags Store | Replica handbags and shoes from top brands |
Stylishhandbagsstore | YSL inspired handbags, premium clones |
Maizhong | Handbags, backpacks, wallets, fashion bags |
Designergoodstore is one of the best vendors for luxury designer bag replicas and they’ve been in the business for over 3 years. Their store on DHgate has a wide range of YSL handbags to choose from and I felt that they deserved the 98.1% store rating simply because their products are well made and cost effective.
Fashion ACC Store
Fashion ACC store is another seller that deals in high quality handbags, backpacks and other designer luxury goods. Here you can find good copies of the Vinyle handbag and not only does the brand offer free shipping to the US but their products are made from genuine leather.
Lubags Store
The Lubags Store was opened only recently and yet they’ve managed to achieve a satisfaction rating of 98.4%. I came across high quality replica handbags and shoes from some of the top brands in the world like Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Prada, Fendi and even Louis Vuitton. They currently have over 20 handbags from YSLs 2022 range and are expected to get more stock soon.
Now if you’re looking for designer inspired handbags and premium quality clones then Stylishhandbagsstore is the one for you.They are a much more experienced seller that has fulfilled over 24k transactions till date and have managed to maintain a positive 93.4% store rating in the 5 years they’ve been on DHgate. Here you can find the LouLou and the Kate replica handbags from YSL and they are priced under $100.
This vendor offers high quality reps at bargain prices and they have loads of different products to choose from including handbags, backpacks, wallets, fashion bags and more. The store is currently among the top ranking designer bag sellers on DHgate with a 100% store rating and one good thing about buying from them is all the handbags in their inventory come with replica packaging and branding.
Buying Yves Saint Laurent Handbag Reps from DHgate
YSL Sunset Shoulder Bag Dupe

Looking for a chic statement piece that won't break the bank? Check out this replica YSL Sunset bag on DHgate. With its structured silhouette, V-shaped flap closure, and gold-tone hardware, it exudes luxury without the hefty price tag.
What truly sets this replica apart is its versatility. With a variety of sizes, materials, and colors to choose from, you're spoiled for choice.
Plus, the option to select different colors ensures that you can find the bag of your choice. Whether you prefer classic black, sophisticated navy, or eye-catching red, there's a shade to suit every taste and style.
Replica YSL Hobo Bucket Bag

Looking to add a touch of luxury to your daily outfits? Look no further than this replica YSL hobo bucket bag, available on DHgate. Crafted from genuine leather, this bag boasts quality and style without the designer price tag.
The bag features a classic bucket shape and a soft, comfortable feel, making it perfect for everyday wear. With a single strap, it's easy to sling over your shoulder and go about your day.
The hasp closure ensures your belongings stay secure, while the satin lining adds a touch of elegance to the interior. Plus, the interior compartment provides ample space for your essentials, keeping you organized on the move.
Solferino Women’s Handbag Replica

The Solferino range from Saint Laurent is one of their most popular handbags and this faux leather clone from DHgate comes with all the bells and whistles in place. The handbag is made from PU leather and features gold details on the clasp that makes the bag look good with any outfit.
Quite like the original, the PU leather strap is detachable and the handbag can be converted into an easy to carry clutch. Right now there are over 6 different colors to choose from and the bag comes with the YSL branding on the front as well as the inside of the bag.
LouLou Designer Shoulder Bag

The LouLou is a pricey handbag to go for and is highly sought after in the Chinese market. This replica is made from synthetic leather and has the quilts design that’s synonymous with Saint Laurent bags.
It carries a premium finish and one thing that I liked about this rep is the gold chains that come with the strap. Unlike other replicas, this one is made from good quality materials and the finish as well as the stitch work is on point with the original.
LouLou Matelasse Chain Camera Bag

If you’re on an extremely tight budget but still want something that looks cool then why not check out the LouLou Matelasse handbag?
It looks identical to the original minus the steep price tag and what makes this rep so good is that it’s entirely made from genuine leather and the quilted finish on the exterior of the bag feels great.
The Matelasse replica handbag is up for grabs at $20 on DHgate and unlike the others on this list, this bag only comes with a dust bag and not a branded replica box.
YSL Kate Luxury Handbag Dupe

YSL Kate Tassel is an absolutely gorgeous envelope bag that speaks volumes of the brand's level of craftsmanship. There is a high quality copy of the Kate Tassel bag on DHgate that’s made from genuine leather and is priced at $75.
The bag is available in over 7 colors and it can be bought or as low as $60 if picked up in bulk. One more thing, this handbag is an identical clone where it comes with the YSL branding on the front flap along with the tassel.
It’s perfect for everyday use and with its super spacious interior you can store your house keys, smartphone, cash, cards and more.
Raffia Panier Women’s Tote

I’ve been in love with the Raffia two-toned tote ever since it came out, but the original handbag costs upwards of $750 and I felt that this clone from DHgate looks and feels quite like the real one.
The replica is made from Raffia linen genuine leather and the internal lining is made from a premium canvas. Though the tone of the bag is a bit lighter than the original YSL bag, it looks just as amazing and the strapped leather finish adds style to the bag making it the perfect statement piece to carry to the beach.
Sac De Jours Crocodile Leather Designer Handbag

Considered to be a premium clone of the YSL Sac De Jours, this replica is extremely versatile and I loved the fact that it can be used either as a handbag or a shoulder bag.
The only drawback however is its steep price tag and spending anything over $100 on a clone is madness, so some of you might want to steer clear of this rep if you’re thrift shopping.
Other than that, the PU leather has the alligator print on it which gives it that premium feel and the only difference between the two bags is that the original bag has an open top whereas the replica comes with a zipper closure.
Quilted Emmanuelle Bucket Bag Clone

The quilted Emmanuelle bucket bag is one of YSL’s latest creations and it’s currently out of stock around the world.
This copy is made from genuine leather and has a long adjustable leather strap as well as gold highlights on the chain, loopholes for the drawstring and the tips of the drawstring that give it a sophisticated look.
The seller is currently offering this bag for approx $180 and it’s available in over 8 different colors. This bag is large enough to store all your personal items and has a well finished quilted design on the exterior of the bag that matches the original Emmanuelle.
I loved that the bag has the YSL branding on it and even includes the brand tags on the inside as well as a custom authenticity code.
How to Tell If Your YSL Bag is Fake?
There are several ways you can tell the difference between a genuine YSL bag and a replica.
Like many designer brands, Yves Saint Laurent has a number of markers on their products that I found to be a pretty nice way to pull out the fakes from the real deal.
To find out if you’re getting duped on your next purchase or if you’ve come across a deal that looks too good to be true, check out this checklist to clear any doubts you may have.
- Search for the YSL serial number - In a genuine YSL handbag there will be a tiny patch of leather that’s stitched on the inside of the bag. This leather tab will be the same color as the handbag and will have either “Saint Laurent Paris”, “Made in Italy”, or a “12-digit serial code”. If your handbag doesn’t have any of this on the inside then it’s most likely a copy and not the real thing.

- Check the quality of the material - YSL uses a range of different materials to make their bags including lambskin, calfskin, suede and even textured leather. Replicas and fake handbags on the other hand will either use a sub-standard quality of leather or PU leather in order to keep the price down. The tell-tale sign that the bag is fake will be the bad quality material and the lack of the premium leather smell.
- Observe the stitch work - Authentic YSL bags have a perfectly aligned stitching that’s consistent throughout the bag. Stitches on the quilted bag will be even and none of their bags use double stitching. So if you find one that has frayed threads, uneven stitch lines and double stitches in some areas then rest assured that the bag is not real as YSL has set high standards in the market which Chinese manufacturers are unable to replicate.
- Examine the YSL logo on the exterior of the bag - Finally take a look at the YSL logo on the bag. The YSL logo is unique and the letters overlap each other in a certain way. A fake bag will not have a clean cut YSL logo and there will be minor differences in the thickness of the characters and the placement of each letter in the logo.
Well there you have it, the best place to visit if you want high quality replica YSL bags is DHgate.
Not only are there loads of bags to choose from but since YSL used to be made in China most of the manufacturers are familiar with the designs and specifications of YSL bags, hence the good quality work done on them.
Don’t forget to always keep a close eye on the ratings of the seller and to check buyer feedback in order to find out which vendor is reliable and which isn’t.
Happy hunting!
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